Gregory, After surgery, your first week home will be a new experience. I recommend you arrange to have assistance available for taking meds, meals and bathing. You should sleep on the same floor as a bathroom and have assistance with using stairs. ...
Hi, wondering how much advanced planning is needed before returning home. Is it a good idea to sleep on the same floor as bathroom and kitchen for the first, say, week or two upon returning? (I dont have a bedroom on first floor). My wife works and ...
Hey, I totally get what you're going through. I've been dealing with diabetes for years, and honestly, it's been tough. The constant ups and downs with my blood sugar made me feel like I was always on edge. There were times when it was hard to stay positive ...
Hi there Occasionally my HR increases to 95-100 BPM, which my Kardia app picks up I sit and inhale x 4 sec and exhale x 8 sec which helps to jump start the parasympathetic nervous system, slowing my HR I live in the mountains of NC and find that somedays ...
Unknown, Keep a record of dates, time of day and duration of episodes of your heart racing. This could be useful for you cardiologist to diagnose your condition and recommend treatment, Vic Victor Fabry, Founder Greylock Advisors, LLC Healed ...
Join MHI for a discussion on AL Amyloidosis with Ashutosh Wechalekar MD, FRCP, FRCPath, DM, an expert ...
Join MHI for a discussion with a panel of advocacy experts from Troutman Pepper Strategies who will update ...
Tune in to MHI's Q and A session on how to choose a Medicare plan. Talk to an expert, Mike Sanchez, Vice-President ...