Thank you all for the correspondence and words of encouragement. I have two more 80% blockages on the opposite side of my heart from the 99% widow maker I dodged the bullet from (fixed). Nitro pills do not seem to eliminate the remaining chest ache I have been experiencing off and on, now 70 days post angioplasty. Hope my cardiologist will provide guidance, or a second surgery can be done to open those up. One ER visit 6 hours and a full work up, diagnosed me with pleurisy? I have never had that. Not so sure the ER can detect a heart attack. They did not see the first one on the EKG, nor was there any tripoline, but the 99% blockage was there all along.
The emotional toll seems to be affecting more that I thought it would. Feeling like a dud and being dealt a bad hand of cards in life hits a guy in the gut. In my case it is all genetics with a couple of brothers and a father with heart disease. Two dead in their 40s& 50s and one with a quad OHS bypass. Hoping these grand medical professionals can get me fixed up. While not making any rash decisions it sure does make a guy think of getting his finances in order, selling off investment properties, a car collection, and moving off the lake place into a townhouse where my bride of 32 years can live comfortable and be self sufficient.
As I learn about changing my lifestyle and look at causes, the high stress, hard charging, high strung personality, and lifestyle I have evidently needs to change. Easier said than done if that is the way my personality is wired. Seems my physiological make up is wired to be self destructing if it has been producing the cortisol hormone, which has in turn caused the heart disease/blocked arteries? Have never smoked, no drugs and not a big drinker. Altar boy and Boy Scout. Down 44 pounds over the past two years prior to this heart issue and dropped my A1c a couple of points. Maybe I should have pounded the Marlboro reds and hit the bottle a bit more. ha.
Onward, Jake
Jacob Mayne
Procurement Project Manager
Jacob Mayne
Center City MN
Original Message:
Sent: 11-12-2024 04:56
From: Jacob Mayne
Subject: New member introduction- support for middle age heart attack victims.
Hello, I am new here. Name is Jake, 53 from Minnesota. Recently had my first heart attack and am on the mend. Lived what I thought was a pretty healthy lifestyle, never smoked, not a big drinker and had lost 44 pounds over the past couple of years, yet all along I had a heart disease that caused a 99% blockage in a main artery that is now fixed, two more 80% blockages to address.
Reading the life expectancy on the web seems not good once a person has had a heart attack at a younger age. Hope to find support and good data on what lies ahead. Thank you- Jake
Jacob Mayne
Procurement Project Manager
Jacob Mayne
Center City MN