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10 days out from double bypass

  • 1.  10 days out from double bypass

    Posted 25 days ago

    Hello all!

    I had an emergency double bypass 10 days ago.  I'm 51f.  I've been home for 5 days and I'm doing... satisfactory.  I am slightly dizzy and unstable while walking and it makes me nervous to move around too much.  I've put in a call to the cardiologist to see what's going on with that. 

    I am still tired a lot and I can only walk 6 or 7 minutes at a time.  Was it the same for you?

    Karin Ramsay
    N/A - done by owner
    L'ile-Perrot QC

  • 2.  RE: 10 days out from double bypass

    Posted 24 days ago
    I never experienced any of those symptoms,  but one suggestion is to read the side effects in detail to see if medications might be a possible cause.

  • 3.  RE: 10 days out from double bypass

    Posted 24 days ago

    Hi Karin,

    I know it's a scary time right now. You've just gone through a very traumatic event. There is definitely an adjustment period post surgery where your mind and your body are trying to accept this new reality. I had the all of the same symptoms you're experiencing and probably drove the staff at my surgeon's office crazy with calls saying "This is what I'm experiencing. Is that normal?". One of the things you'll learn from Mended Hearts is that everyone's recovery experience is different. Some breeze right through it and are back to 100% in no time while others, like me, take more time. It truly is an exercise in patience with yourself and your body but as long as you listen to your doctor and rely on your support group (family, friends, etc.), you'll make it through just fine. You're off to a good start by coming here. One area where I feel the hospital, doctors and nurses failed me was by not preparing me for the psychological after-effects that come with open heart surgery. If I hadn't stumbled across this group purely by accident I don't know what I would have done. It was truly a blessing. The encouragement and support of all the members here who have walked the same path you are just beginning will help tremendously.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery. Feel free to reach out anytime you need someone to talk to that's been where you are.

    Best regards,


    Brett Temple
    Project Manager
    Castleberry AL

  • 4.  RE: 10 days out from double bypass

    Posted 24 days ago

    "One area where I feel the hospital, doctors and nurses failed me was by not preparing me for the psychological after-effects that come with open heart surgery" oh my gosh right???  It all happened so fast for me.  In February I noticed a pain in my jaw while walking.  In April I went to the ER and they suspected angina.  A quick stress test confirmed that.  I went for my angio soon after that and they immediately put my in the hospital and slated me for an emergency CABG x2 because I was 70-90% blocked on the left main.  I was dumbfounded .  Now I'm learning to breathe deeply and walk again.  It's been a real roller coaster.

    Thank you for your kind words.  They really help

    Karin Ramsay
    N/A - done by owner
    L'ile-Perrot QC

  • 5.  RE: 10 days out from double bypass

    Posted 23 days ago
    Dear Karin
    Congratulations for such a successful out come for a frightening event. Check with your doctor ; recovery from heart event and surgery takes more time than 5 days. Please be careful to not overdo. Your body needs a lots of rest. Let friends and family help you. Check with your doctor if he recommends “at home “ physical therapy.
    Please let us know how you are doing

    Marilyn B. Rosenhouse
    Mobile: (214)850-0655

  • 6.  RE: 10 days out from double bypass

    Posted 22 days ago


    An ideal summary for post surgery recovery. Be patient, follow your doctor's suggestions on exercise and continue a healthy long term recovery

    Victor Fabry

    Victor Fabry, Founder
    Healed Hearts of New Jersey
    Short Hills, New Jersey

  • 7.  RE: 10 days out from double bypass

    Posted 22 days ago
    My doctor told me “6 months to a year“ before I felt normal in my “New self”.
    However, My surgical situation was very different than most people.
    We all expect to jump right back into ourselves. We meet people who had a stints and are back to works days later .
    Each situation is different, but surgery is still surgery. Recovery from the original cause of illness and the operation ( 2 things) Takes a while to adjust to mentally as well as physically ( especially if aenethesia is involved
    Marilyn B. Rosenhouse
    Mobile: (214)850-0655

  • 8.  RE: 10 days out from double bypass

    Posted 22 days ago

    Hi Karin,

    Welcome! I'm so happy you found this group. I received SO MUCH support from everyone on here during my recovery.

    Your story sounds very similar to mine. March 2019 I was feeling small, sharp pains in my chest, I went to the ER and was told it may be indigestion but to follow up with a cardiologist. In April I had a stress test and was told it was abnormal. First part of May I went in for an angio and when I woke up, I was being admitted for OHS the next morning. Wow, what a surprise! I ended up having a double bypass at the age of 54. I just recently celebrated my 5-year heartiversary!

    You're very early on in your recovery. Be patient, take your time and more importantly be easy on yourself. In the very beginning I would walk 3x a day, only walking about three houses down from mine and back, then slowing increasing it each week. My husband was always there to remind me I was doing better than the previous week. 

    Ah yes, the psychological effects! The "cardiac blues" hit me pretty hard around the 3-month mark! Not to mention my Dr had me off work for 6 months. I actually fell into a depression. Luckly, there were and still are so many wonderful members from this group that helped me through that time, along with the cardiac rehab nurses who had suggested I see a therapist to help as well. They said this type of surgery has a way of shaking things up inside of you. 

    Be patient, you'll get there and please reach out if needed! Wishing you well during your recovery! You got this!


    michelle leverett

  • 9.  RE: 10 days out from double bypass

    Posted 21 days ago

    Very well said, Michelle. By the way, I just passed my 5-year anniversary, as well. I was very thankful. 

    Brett Temple
    Project Manager
    Castleberry AL

  • 10.  RE: 10 days out from double bypass

    Posted 21 days ago

    Hi Karin,

    Your post surgical experience sounds pretty normal.  The physical trauma from the surgery is the biggest hurdle to recover from.  In my case, after triple BP and Mitral replacement, it was 6 months before I started feeling kinda normalish.  I say kinda because the nerve impulse flashes in my chest muscle tissue didn't stop until around 10 months.  I'm 13 months post surgery now and the only thing I'm still feeling is slight tenderness at the incision, which is related to the sternum and wire closure. 

    It takes time.  Do the cardio rehab and give yourself all the time you need to heal at your pace.

    Michael Brown

  • 11.  RE: 10 days out from double bypass

    Posted 21 days ago

    I agree with Michael Brown. I had emergency CABG 3x with 100% LAD and 95% and 85%. I was told if I left the hospital I wouldn't make it back. It took me 3 months before going back to a regular job (and not be 100% feeling normal), at 6 months I felt maybe 85% and 1 year to be almost normal. It took me a long time to feel like I could fully breathe in. Give it time, your body has been subjected to a major assault and it takes a long time to heal. But, you are alive and are in a position to continue to make the lives of those around you better. Just keep taking care of yourself, follow your instructions and time will do the rest. Good luck :)

    Joseph Scuralli
    Berkeley College