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  • 1.  Surprised and scared by pending surgery

    Posted 23 days ago

    My 16yo son was born with 6 congenital heart defects we didn't know about until he went into distress immediately after being born. Three of the problems were able to be fixed, coarctation of the aorta, the vsd, and something else I can never remember. He still has Ebstein's anomaly, total anomalous pulmonary venous return (TAPVR), and a bicuspid aortic sweet baby. For all intents and purposes, he was a regular kid after the surgeries; no medications, minimal restrictions. And what little restrictions he had were all lifted when he was 5. Up until last year I had basically forgotten he was a heart patient except for his check ups. I didn't realize surgery was back on the table and in fact a reality that will have to happen again, possibly soon. I was in shock. Almost as if this were a whole new illness I was just hearing about. Now I find out his heart has enlarged. And in fact, "we have to stop dragging our feet," when I didn't realize anyone was dragging their feet about anything. I thought this was just another check up. Now I'm scared and I never really was before. Before, things happened too fast to be able to think about them. Now, I'm careening into this fast approaching situation and I feel out of control because now this MRI has to happen next week! But everything is completely normal because I can't scare him with it. Now I'm looking at resources my cardiologist was suggesting 16 years ago. Now I'm reaching out because I'm scared. 

    zandy clark
    case manager

  • 2.  RE: Surprised and scared by pending surgery

    Posted 23 days ago

    I'm sorry about the sudden shock of the change of game plan. I'm sure it is very jarring for everyone. My daughter had coarctation of the aorta and aortic valve stenosis/univalve. She had open heart surgery at 5 days old. Other than 2 ballon caths, she only remembers all of ECHOs and appointments. She does have other health issues, so there is no illusion that she's just another kid. I know everyone is different, but even though she 8, she does best when we talk to her directly and tell her clearly what is going to happen. She doesn't like surprises and likes time to ask questions for herself. 

    I would say take care of yourself as well because of course you have plenty of feelings around this too. Each time we go to cardiology, I hold my breath bc she will need future intervention. The not knowing when is the worst part. 

    Beat of Luck!!

    Nancy Blake
    Columbus OH

  • 3.  RE: Surprised and scared by pending surgery

    Posted 22 days ago

    I appreciate your words. I'm a chronic worrier..conversely, I am an eternal optimist.  This new development has put me into a tail spin. I'm feeling better today. I know I'll feel better once we see the doctor again next week, I'll be able to ask more questions and get answers. Fear of the unknown. I want my son to know what's going on with him, he'll be taking over his own care in no time (ugh). Other people in my family think I'm sharing too much and scaring him. They're also the people that are incapable of talking about feelings so I'm not sure what's right, right now. I just want to make sure everyone is okay no matter what we have to face. Thank you for reaching out, what you said, it makes me feel better being able to get it out. Sending good vibes to you and yours, Nancy =)

    zandy clark
    case manager

  • 4.  RE: Surprised and scared by pending surgery

    Posted 21 days ago
    Dear Zandy,

    I'm so sorry for this unexpected medical need for your son that you thought was resolved.  I'm sure this can feel so scary.  I am a mom too but on the other side of things.  I was born with a congenital heart defect 57 years ago - Tetralogy of Fallot with  four defects but primarily VSD and narrowing of the pulmonary valve.  I had a shunt to save my life and hold me over when I was a baby but my main repair work was done at age 6.  Even at age 6 I was able to understand that my surgery was needed to help me feel better so I could run and  play.  I do remember at age 18 when the Children's  Cardiology department sat me down to explain my heart defects and how important it was to live a healthy lifestyle and come back for check ups.  Thankfully, I've continued the care at Children's with an adult congenital heart clinic (ACHD).  As a mom with a heart baby I'm sure you will do great at supporting your son again.  This time, he will really need you to help him learn about his unique heart and how to care for it for the rest of his life.  Holding you in prayer.