Mended Hearts Open Forum

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  • Kevin, You have gotten and/or will receive much more information than you need. Everyone is different, thus your situation is unique. Simple advice: listen to your cardiologist and medical staff and do what makes you comfortable. I had CABGx4 ...

  • Hi, Kevin. I agree with Kat. The heart pillow is really important to healing your sternum. If you feel a cough or sneeze coming, clutch it to your chest firmly to minimize the movement between the 2 halves of your sternum. If you're riding in a car, ...

  • Hi Kevin Yes, everything you're going through is par for the course. It takes time for body to heal from the surgical trauma so hang in there and let it heal. I gauged my progress by the month at first, then by the week, and would notice small but ...

  • Hi Kevin, Congratulations on your surgery. You are well on your way to healing. With regard to the heart pillow....After OHS I was instructed to ride in vehicle back seat for 10-12 weeks with my pillow between my chest and the seat belt. I slept ...

  • Hi Kevin Sounds like you're getting a lot of good advice. One thing my nurse friend insisted I do was to have my GP refer me for Home Health. It's covered by Medicare and the nursing is extremely helpful in monitoring your sternal incision and making ...

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