Mended Hearts Open Forum

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  • Hi Kevin, I used the pillow when coughing , sneezing , getting out of bed and under the seatbelt when I rode in the backseat of the car. As for sleeping, I used a wedge under my pillow and slept on my back with some elevation from the wedge. I was unable ...

  • Kevin, I believe the purpose of the heart pillow is to cushion your chest against coughing or sneezes. If you've ever coughed after surgery you'll understand, so keep it handy. Since your heart is left of center in your chest, my suggestion is to try ...

  • I have a few questions, after open heart surgery CABG3 they gave me a heart pillow to hold constantly, anyone had sleeping issues, walking and holding this pillow? Anyone had issues with not using their hands? How did you overcome the limitations? How ...

  • Hi Gary, I just happened to see your message and thought I would try to tackle your problem. I am hardly ever on here and live down in San Diego. Without being able to see what you were doing I think I found the group and a contact person for it that ...

  • Sorry no I don't. ------------------------------ [Tom] [Root] Buffalo NY ------------------------------

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