Hi Marcy! My name is Jenn Angelone. I live in Hudson MA, welcome to Boston! I'm a heart patient at Children's as well as a mental health therapist - I've worked extensively with children on the spectrum AND with anxiety/ OCD. Most recently I've started seeing heart patient clients through the Ollie Hinkle Heart Foundation - they are imbedded in BCH and if you haven't connected with them yet, I definitely recommend.
I've had both OHS and catherizations, granted, I was an infant at the time so I don't remember much, but thankfully, catherizations are much quicker, less invasive, and have a speedier recovery time.
What I can say to help you and him is remembering to use his voice. If he needs something repeated or re-explained, encourage him to ask for clarification. Boston really values the patient voice, so if HE needs something, all he has to do is ask!
Please feel free to email me if you have any other questions! jenn.angelone@gmail.com
Jennifer Angelone
Young Mended Hearts Coordinator
The Mended Hearts Inc.
Hudson MA
Original Message:
Sent: 08-25-2023 13:12
From: Marcy de Araujo
Subject: upcoming cardiac cath for son with Truncus Arteriosus
Hi, everyone,
I have a 13 year old son with Truncus who is going for his first heart cath this coming Tuesday. We have done all of his procedures at Lucile Packard in the SF Bay Area, but now we are living in MA and will be doing this procedure at Children's Hospital in Boston. Unfortunately, we don't feel like we're being adequately prepared for what to expect. I understand this is a very different procedure from his past open heart surgeries and the other surgeries he's had to undergo, but I don't have a sense of whether he'll be in pain after, how long I should expect for his recovery, and so on. Unfortunately, he will be missing his first and maybe second day of school for this which is causing him more anxiety. My son also is on the high functioning end of the autism spectrum and has anxiety and OCD as well.
Any words of experience or encouragement or ways to help my son feel prepared would be greatly appreciated. We go in for his pre-op on Monday and I understand some of our questions may be answered there, but I'd like to feel more prepared than I do.
Thank you!
Marcy de Araujo650.815.9036